Tuesday, November 16, 2010

VIDEO: Outer Limits Recordings - Plastik Child

The hazy lo-fi 80s revival some call "hypnagogic pop" is fully displayed in this amazing amazing track by one of OESB's finest: Outer Limits Recordings. Slightly more accessible than this summer's Foxy Baby LP, the new tracks are groovy and catchy on top of sounding absurdly surreal.

Boomkat had this to say about OLR's sound:
His label sums Foxy Baby up as an "esoteric glam-damaged concept record about Berlin nightclubs and foxy ladies", and that 's quite on the money, except this Berlin is in an alternate dimension where Ariel Pink sits at the head of the Reichstag and instead of amphetamine sulphate, everyone necks handfuls of valium and and the pilsner is standardly spiked with codeine. 
oh yes.

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