Obama and Osama at Michelle Obama's birthday last year. Two thumbs up!
As a guy that seeks to understand as many point of views as possible, I decided earlier today to ask youtube a difficult question.
Why should Barack Obama be impeached?
Perhaps I made a mistake by asking this. Because it revealed a world built on fringe ideals that teeter, often, on the brink of pure hate and madness.
At least when Bush was there, some people were legitimately concerned as he and his cabinet blatantly lied to the world about WMDs in Iraq. But who says new President says new reasons to cry IMPEACH!!!
Let's dive right in shall we? Welcome to the Retard Gallery!
Our first commentary comes from a disgustingly obese southern guy who clearly fits our stereotypical redneck cliché. He is angry today. Very angry. Because Obama apparently plans on banning chewing tobacco. Here is a hilarious remix of the original youtube video. Beware however as chewing tobacco for all those years clearly has created some sort of cancerous ball of hate in his throat, something he is trying to unleash in this very video!!
Yikes. This guy, like many other fear mongers out there is quick to deface Obama as another Hitler. The health care reform bill will contain provisions similar to the Nazi T-4 program.
What is the Nazi T-4 program you ask? Well Hitler was ok with killing off those his staff deemed unworthy of life, and those who didn't have the right "racial hygiene". Clearly Obama is trying to do the same thing. He hates white people and gas chambers are coming to hospitals near you! Because only good genes should prevail in this overpopulated world! Come on! Who actually believes that! Lunatics of the far right, that's who. Obama has many faults, don't get me wrong. But I think that maybe we could engage in a real debate over these issues instead of smear campaigns and propagating hatefully lies.
But there is no end in sight. The whole conservative movement is sponsored by those who invest hundreds of millions of dollars in public opinion shifting operations, those who control the Hospitals, Health Care Inssurance companies and Big Pharma, all of whom who wish to keep the status quo; profits at record high.
Meanwhile, America remains the laughing stock of the rest of the developed world.
As a closing statement, make sure you get your IMPEACH OBAMA T-Shirts from the Impeach Obama Store, before the novelty runs out!!!
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